QRS 2019 Keynote Speech 2

Software Quality and Digital Forensics


The NIST Software Quality Group encompasses projects on software assurance tool testing including evaluation events, standard reference data, and a new way to categorize weaknesses. It also includes a program to apply software quality to digital forensics to answer questions relevant to the legal system such as: Is this tool giving me the correct output? This talk will give an overview of the work in the Software Quality Group and then provide a more in-depth discussion of digital forensics. Traditional tools used to asses the court worthiness of evidence, such as error rates, do not work well for digital evidence. How then to establish quality?


Barbara Guttman avatar
Barbara Guttman USA

Manager, Software Quality Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

Barbara Guttman has been leading the NSIT Digital Evidence program for 20 years, focusing on the legal admissibility and correct and efficient processing of digital evidence. She is a member of the NIST overall forensics program, which spans DNA, fingerprint analysis, drug identification, and many other disciplines. She is also a member of the Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence.